So far, I've defined a couple of basic map tiles: grass, dirt, concrete, water, and sand. Like almost everything else in the game, maps are defined through XML files, and can be very easily modified. There are actually no art assets for each tile type - the graphics for each tile are procedurally generated at map load time using custom algorithms. This saves on art costs, ensures that no repetitiveness is seen in the tiles on the map, and spares the world from some of my terrible art skills. I considered adding the functionality of a heightmap to the game, but it was quickly rejected. Being a 2D top-down RTS, it would be difficult to correctly display a real 3D heightmapped map, and as such the player wouldn't even be able to tell differences in terrain height. This is exacerbated by the fact that I'm limiting myself to using vector art for stylistic reasons. In addition, it would complicate gameplay, which is something I'm striving to avoid.
In any RTS you play, you'll find that map tiles and edges are never sharply defined. Instead, they are always blended together and the transition between texture types is always smooth. This is usually done using a technique called texture splatting. However, since all my art is vector graphics, this generally isn't possible. My first mapping attempt resulted, expectedly, in a whole bunch of really visible "blocks" due to the low granularity of the tiles. The solution?
I wrote a smoothing algorithm to automatically round off the sharp corners of the tiles, while at the same time providing an outline surrounding each tile type to make it easier to clearly differentiate between tile types.
This is what it looked like before: (using preliminary test art)

And after, in approximately the same location:

As you can see, the previously sharp corners have been rounded off. In addition, the algorithm accounts for the "cut out" corners, and clips vertices and primitives as required. But as this would leave unsightly gaps in the tiles at the corners, the algorithm also fills in the gaps with the correct tile graphics (which, of course, is all procedurally generated). There were a lot of corner cases in implementing the algorithm (pun intended). For example, points where 3 or 4 tiles could meet needed to be handled separately since the default algorithm simply didn't look good for those cases. Things like map edges, overlapping tile graphics, etc. needed to be handled as well.
Another problem I ran into was that the procedural generation and culling left a lot of unused (orphaned) vertices lying about, and a lot of duplicate vertices which resided in the same place. Removal of orphans was simple, it was just a matter of looping through all the indices and deleting the vertices which were unindexed by the index buffer. But when it came to removing duplicate vertices, I came back to my old friend: the vertex welder. Having had previously written a fast, spatially-partitioned vertex welder for DirectX10 in the past, I'm familiar with the techniques required to "weld" similar vertices together (which eliminates duplicates, saving both memory and time).
However, the techniques I employed in my original C++, DX10 welder were designed for meshes in the range of ~100,000 polygons. Because, at worst, the time complexity for welding could get as bad as O(n^3), I had to use an octree to spatially partition the data into more manageable chunks, and apply the standard O(n^2) algorithm on it. I realised, that with only a few thousand vertices in my map mesh, even a slow brute-force O(n^2) method would likely be fast enough. In a few minutes, I wrote the vertex welder and a quick profile revealed that the vertex welder ran over the entire map mesh in about 10-20ms. This was more than fast enough, and I didn't bother optimising it further (remember, kids, premature optimisation is the root of all evil!).
Now that I've got the mapping algorithms done, I can begin on improving the procedural algorithms to produce some better looking vector art. Since I'm using procedural generation at load time, I can guarantee that no two tiles will look the same if I don't want them to. And, it also means that I can quickly and easily modify the look of entire maps by tweaking a few parameters in code.
This is a great post thanks
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